The Process Journal

The Personal Project Process Journal is not as complicated as it may appear at first glance. There are many ways to create and organize your project, and the process journal is a way to manage a few things:

  1. It shows your work
  2. It helps others see the time and energy you have put into your project
  3. It keeps you organized and reflectively aware of the tries and tribulations, and your ability to work through those challenges.
  4. It is an awesome means for your supervisor to see your progress!

There are 4 parts to the process journal:             Investigation,  Planning, Taking Action, Reflection

It is important to recognize that the four parts are in order to meet the process each student should be following from the start. What this means is that the students are to INVESTIGATE first, then plan and take action.

The first step of the process is to create, in your google drive, four files where you can type in your entries and keep photo evidence of the whole process!
So, once you have a proposal submitted and approved, you are to begin conducting Research (Interviews, Internet, Classes, and Books, Tutorials) and record evidence with picture evidence of the entire process of making your project.  Yes, that's right, you are not creating yet! You need research to drive the product. Many times, your research will change, or even slightly modify, the end product in ways unforeseen at the start of the project with your limited knowledge.

You should have files set up that are for each of the 4 required part of the process journal.

For entries within the Process Journal here are some guidelines/clarification:

1. Planning- This file should include - Goals/Objectives, IB Global Contexts (only 1), a plan to achieve your goal, and a Personal criteria (template) for determining how you will evaluate the success in meeting your goal?  

2.  Investigating- This file is where all of your research goes including entries with MLA citations and OPCVL (Origin, Purpose, Content, Values, Limitations of each of your sources.)  This should be a lengthy section.  

3. Taking Action- This file is where you will show evidence of the creation of your project with picture evidence, dates, and summaries of what you are creating - must show Beginning, Middle and End of the taking action process.  

4. Reflecting- This file will have evaluation reports on how you are proceeding in obtaining your goals and how your project has changed from the beginning and final reflection after the project is finished.  

Please note: you must make entries on ManageBac every time you work on the project!  Do not make a word file and then try to download at another time. ManageBac puts date stamp on all entries that cannot be changed. 

So, yes every time you do research or planning or reflecting or investigating you must record it on the ManageBac Process Journal   NO Exceptions!  If you have typed it into your google doc file, then it is easy to cut and paste into ManageBac.

Please don’t come to me in August and state that you didn’t know or that no one told you that you must record entries as you complete them not at a later date!!!!

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