Selecting Abstracts for the report

Selecting Extracts:

The process journal is an essential source of evidence for development for every stage of the personal project and for every criterion.
Typical excerpts that students select may include the following:

Criterion strand
Some example entries
A(i) defining goal
What is to be achieved or accomplished
Brainstorms, iterative or annotated versions of the goal
A(ii) prior learning
School-based and independent personal learning that is relevant to the project and global context

Textbook excerpts, formula sheets, notes, summaries or documents from other projects, qualifications
A(iii) research skills
Investigating, building background knowledge, gathering data
Search strategies, notes from reading, interview protocols, OPVL evaluations, analysis of existing products/solutions, data collection and analysis, resource summaries
B(i) criteria for success
Creation of meaningfully challenging criteria
Research into aspects of quality for the product/outcome, annotated models
B(ii) plan and record of the development process
Planning, execution and necessary adjustments to the original plan
To-do lists, schedules, planning tables, Gantt chart, work breakdown calendar, benchmark data, progress notes
B(iii) self-management skills
Persistence and managing failure
First attempts, flops, partial successes, practice logs/notes

C(ii) thinking skills
Critical and creative thinking
Troubleshooting, problem analysis, evaluation of multiple possible solutions, explorations of multiple perspectives, guesses/predictions, careful observations, concept maps, visual thinking strategies
C(iii) communication skills
Interacting with others and using language to gather and communicate information
Reading notes, feedback and actions taken in response, graphic organizers, communication plans, letters/emails/multi-modal texts developed to support or share the project
C(iii) social skills
Reflections on interactions with supervisor, peer feedback, social media interactions, records of negotiation, leadership, active listening, conflict resolution or self-advocacy
D(i) quality of product/outcome
Performance against criteria for success
Sketches, images, interviews, rubrics and notes/justifications, scoring sheets, performance data, audience reviews

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