Monday, August 19, 2019

Welcome Back 

I hope the summer, albeit short and painfully hot, treated you well and that you had some time to relax. I also hope you had time to research and work on the first part of your personal projects. Yes, you were supposed to do some work over summer on this project.
Here are a few key items that you need to review and complete BEFORE your first meeting with your supervisor the end of this month/first week of September.


      Complete pages 30-33 in packet
o   Select Personal Project
o   Submit the proposal for approval
      Upload the proposal on ManageBac


      Work on the project
      Develop a calendar
      Conduct research
      Record pictures of process
      Develop a criteria
      Upload process journal entries (Design Cycle titles provided in each entry indicating what you are doing – Investigation, Planning, Taking Action, and Reflection).


      Meet with Supervisor August 26 – September 3
o   Review your process journal on ManageBac
o   Fill out first meeting form (sign and date)
o   Ask your project supervisor to add notes on ManageBac about your meeting
      Continue working on the project
      Record pictures of process
      Upload process journal entries (Design Cycle titles provided in each entry indicating what you are doing – Investigation, Planning, Taking Action, and Reflection).


      Work on the project
      Update your calendar
      Record pictures of process
      Upload process journal entries (Design Cycle titles provided in each entry indicating what you are doing – Investigation, Planning, Taking Action, and Reflection).


     Continue working on the project
     Informally meet with Supervisor October 29 – November 15 to make sure you are on track for the next checkpoint
    Finish working on the Personal project - you should have the process and product finished this month because you will begin drafting the paper the first week of December!
     Update the final entries to the process journal and upload photo evidence of the product


     Meeting #2 with supervisors needs to happen between December 1 and December 12 to review the process journal an make sure you have everything needed. 
      Begin drafting your report on the project
      Remember that you will be working on this once you return from the winter recess - but you may want to use some time during the break to work on the report, in order to minimize the impact during the school year. 
     Rough Drafts will be uploaded via ManageBac to through the end of December/first part of January - so document!

January & February:

     Rough Drafts will be uploaded via ManageBac to through the end of December/first part of January - so document!
     Finalize working on the report
     Finalize meeting with supervisor  between February 1 and February 10 - once the report is finished, meet one last time to reflect on the report before it is uploaded in final form. 
     Final Drafts will be uploaded via ManageBac to 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

IBMYP Personal Project (& file links)

Welcome to the one-stop resource for all your Personal Project needs!

It was great meeting with you all this week. Remember that pages 30-33 are due in F3 (during break or lunch) by Monday,  May 20th or Tuesday, May 21st.

Here are a few links to material that has been created with you in mind. Enjoy!

Personal Project Comic Explanation from the Introduction meeting

Global Context and planning - this is NOT the proposal from the packet, but it is a SMART way to think through the Project

Personal Project Proposal - Official IB

If you have lost your materials packet, here is the digital version The Personal Project Packet

You need to print this yourself, we will not print an extra for you.